Although the practice of legal prostitution exists in a few counties of the Nevada State, it doesn’t mean that anyone can start offering erotic service in an open market, or anyone can hire the services offered by the courtesans at the place of his choice. There are certain laws and regulations that are strictly to be followed by everyone involved in these activities, whether they are service providers or the users of these services. It is expected that all of them follow the rules and regulations determined by the government for offering and enjoying these services. If anyone is found not following the instructions announced by the government than he has to undergo the punishment determined by the law according to the level of crime done by him.
The punishment related to breaking the laws of legal prostitution in Nevada are mentioned below:
If a person is found performing the pandering is sent to the jail minimum for the period of one year or maximum up to four years or the fine of $5,000 or both according to (Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. § § 201.300 (2)(a), 193.130 (2)(d).) If a person is found pandering the girl below the age of 18 years then he is sent to jail for the period of one year or maximum up to ten years. The value of the fine increases to $10,000. He may also be registered as a sex offender according (Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. § § 201.300 (2)(b), 193.130 (2)(b), 179D.115.) In case if he is found in pandering the girl between 14 years and 18 years, then he is asked to pay the fine up to $100,000, in case if the victim is below 14 years then he will be fined up to $5,00,000.
Offering illegal services:
If a person is involved in illegally offering erotic services and against the prostitution laws of Nevada, then he is suitable for sending behind the bars for six months, or a fine of $1,000 or both according to (Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. § § 201.354 (2), 193.150.) He might be also asked to perform communal services instead of going to jail or paying the fine. In case if he is found earning money by offering the sexual services offered by a girl below 18 years then he may be sent to the jail minimum for a year or not more than 4 years, or a fine of $5,000 or both according or may be ordered to offer communal service instead of jail or paying the fine according to (Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. § § 201.354 (3), 193.130 (2)(e).)
Brothel located within the restricted boundaries:
If any brothel is found located in a restricted area or within the area of 400 yards of a church, house, school or a market, then the fine of $5,000 will be imposed on it. (Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. § § 201.380, 201.390.)
Offering the services of a courtesan found HIV positive:
If any HIV positive courtesan is found working in a brothel house then she or the brothel owner will be sent to the jail minimum for two years and not more than ten years or the fine of $10,000 or both. (Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 201.358 (1)(b).)
Sex Offender:
If a person found pushing someone below the age of 18 years in the profession of prostitution will be regarded as a “sex offender” according to Nevada law (Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. § § 179D.115 (1)(c), 179D.441.)
It can be said that if Nevada laws allow the practice of legal prostitution then at the same they also have the strict laws to control the malpractices of illegal prostitution.
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