Although the administration of Nevada offers tolerating atmosphere of legal prostitution in the outskirt areas of the state but still there are certain rules and regulations which determine their working. The most important thing for the owners of these brothels is that they cannot operate them in the urban areas but in the areas that are away from the population. Secondly they cannot promote their activities on any platform or through any source nor they can encourage the activities that indirectly promote the prostitution. Moving ahead it is imperative for the brothel houses to conduct the conduct test for sexually transmitted infections (STI) of the girls and every person working with them to make sure they do not suffer from any type of diseases which could be harmful for their clients.
Not only this with the changing time different type of services have been offered by the brothels in Nevada which till few years were not offered by the then brothels. Well about those services we will discuss later, before that it would be better to understand the type of brothels found in the state of Nevada.
There are basically three types of brothels operating in the Nevada:
1. The small frontier brothels: Located on the stretches of the highway;
2. The small brothels: Located in an lonely town;
3. The large brothels: Located in the outskirts of the big cities.
Talking about the services offered inside the brothel houses: Generally it is believed that girls working in these houses only offer sexual services to their clients. This although is true to huge content but with the changing time there is change in the type of services offered by them. Today they offer different type of errotic services like massages, table shower, nuru, two girl party, couples party and also the bachelors party.
You will agree that from the years massage is considered as the best way to relax different organs of the body, but what makes the massage offered inside the brothels is that they are offered by the beautiful girls and helpful in enhancing your sexual powers. Along with this the massage offered by these girls also offers you mental relaxation from the stress of your hectic working schedule. An interesting feature of the massage of offered inside the brothels is that despite of being errotic it do not allows you to get physically attached with the girl offering it. Let for instance talk about nuru massage which from the ancient times has been considered as the best way to relax your body and mind from the stress of your work.
The massage involves two persons of opposite sex and the application of nuru oil from the body of girl to the body of a men. During massage the girl first applies the oil on her body and then lays the men down on the bed which had plastic sheet placed over it and then simply starts rubbing her naked body on the body of the men thus transmitting the oil from her body into his body. The worth mentioning feature of this massage is that it is helpful in enhancing the sensual powers of the men along with offering him mental peace.
Similarly the other types of services offered inside the brothel houses are designed to offer erotic entertainment to the clients by following the rules and regulations determined by the state.
Rules and regulations for brothels:
1. The girls and every person working in these houses should be above the age of 18 years;
2. The girls should adopt all preventive measures while offering their services to the clients;
3. The brothels should offer complete security to the girls at the workplace;
4. The girls cannot demand extra money from the clients;
5. They should undergo medical test at regular intervals to make sure that they do not suffer from any type of the disease.
In short it can be said that despite of being legalized in the city of Nevada operating a brothel house is not an easy task for the owners, as the little mistake in following the rules and regulations determined by the state might get their license cancel and put them behind the bars.
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