Nevada state in the United States of America is the state
where prostitution is legal in the cities with population below 7,00,000
residents. But legalization of prostitution in those counties doesn’t mean that
anyone can start working as a sex worker. On the contrary there are certain set
of rules and regulations determined by the state administrative authorities
that govern the conduct of sexual activities. According to rules any person
willing to work as sex worker should operate his activity beyond the urban
boundaries, along with this there are various laws that govern the operation of
sex work in Nevada. Let us now have
a look on the factors that govern the services of sex workers in the state of
You will agree that as a general practice working as sex
worker is illegal across the world and any person found culprit for conducting
services is sentenced to jail and necessary punishment as determined by the
laws of that country. Interestingly, United States of America is not an
exception to it. But, as despite of various efforts made by the governments of
different countries to control the execution of these services there is huge
segment of people that is illegally involved in such activities. Therefore,
with an objective to control the illegal operation of sex industry in the
state, the government of Nevada has allowed prostitution in counties with
population less than 7,00,000 according to rules and regulations determined by
the government.
According to these rules the person cannot be a mediator to
encourage the sexual services among the people. Anyone willing to enter in this
profession is required to operate his brothel house in outskirts of the city,
where it is not easier for the young children and other people to go. Along
with this the operator of brothel house has to obtain necessary certificate
from the state government that permits him to establish his brothel at
particular site in the outer area. Moving ahead it is also imperative for the
owner of brothel house to appoint only those persons in his organization who
carry a legal certificate that allows them work as sex worker in the industry.
Here, it would be important to learn that with the changing
time the scenario inside and outside has undergone vast changes. The brothels in Nevada of today’s
generation are not less than any luxurious hotel, when it comes to the
facilities offered by them. Today, as soon as you enter inside the brothel
house, you will be attended by a
receptionist with beautiful smile, asking about the type of service that you
wish to enjoy.
After understanding your requirement that whether you want
to enjoy full sex with the courtesans working with the brothel house, or want
to have a massage, or couples party or bachelors party, she will ask you to
wait on the sofa placed there. Then within the few minutes you will find the
fleet of beautiful girls standing in front of you to offer their services
according to your requirement. Depending upon your choice and preference you
can select any of them.
Moving ahead if you are interested to enjoy the service
immediately after selecting the girl, you will be sent in the particular room,
anyhow if you want to relax with the girl before the service, then you have a
cafeteria and a bar to chat with her and get comfortable with her. Once you are
comfortable with the girl you can go in your room for fun.
This although, seems quite simple in the reading, but
in-fact all these activities are operated under strict laws of the government.
It is mandatory for every person whether it is the receptionist, a courtesan,
or a room boy or anyone else, to get the necessary certificate from government
to work in sex industry. Along with this it is also indispensable for the
courtesans whether they offer sexual services, massage or couple or bachelors
party, to adopt all precautionary measures like use of condoms during the
service. They are also required to undergo the regular check-up of sexually
transmitted diseases to make sure that they do not suffer from any of the
severe disease.
Similarly it is also necessary for the operator of a brothel
house to provide complete security to everyone working in the brothel house
from the unexpected attacks of the clients. In short it can be said that legalization of sex work in Nevada do
not makes it easier for a person to enter in this profession.
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